
Stay Tuned

Beauty Queen's birthday party pictures coming soon!


Pickin' Perfect Pumkins

We embarked on the old familiar tradition of the family vacation on Saturday! It's been so much fun. On the way to meet Jeremy's family in Arkansas, we stopped at a pumpkin patch near Little Rock. It was a fabulous place to stretch our legs and make a memory (not to mention, take a bunch of pictures! Isn't that why we do these things?)
Young Skywalker was very focused on finding several perfect pumpkins to load into our already stuffed car. He grabbed a wagon and started loading it like a grocery cart. We had to reign him in reminding him that we still had three hours left and not enough room for these big ol' pumpkins. We settled on five smaller varieties and they are gracing the back porch of our condo as I write.
Beauty Queen had her heart set on taking full advantage of the fact that she was out of her car seat. She insisted on walking the entire time. Only second in importance to walking around was checking out the pumpkins... looking at them, drumming on them, and even occasionally tasting them.